Win One For the GIPPER!

Win One For the GIPPER!
We WILL Beat Obama--God On Our Side

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Who Is Obama Anyway?

Who is Obama?

As outrageous as this sounds, if given any thought, it is utterly incredible that someone as unknown, with as little experience as Barack Hussein Obama, in this day and age, could rise to the position of the most powerful elected office in the world. Why was he selected?

Obama is from Chicago, Illinois for a number of years now. The number of The Anti-Christ Beast in the book of Revelation is 666. On the day after Obama's "historic" victory, on November 5, 2008, the winning number in the Illinois state lottery, (2) Obama's home state, was 666. The zip code for Chicago is 60606. Zero equals nothing, so that leaves us with 666.

Barack Obama's position on abortion is the most extreme of any pro-abortion Democrat. Among the very first acts of Obama as president, President Obama signed an executive order reversing the ban that prohibits funding to international family planning groups that perform abortions around the world, but mainly in Africa. (3)
A White House spokesman, Bill Burton, said Obama signed the executive order, without coverage by the media, late on Friday afternoon, January 22,2009. The abortion measure, ended the Bush ban and is a highly emotional one for many people, and the quiet signing was in contrast to most of Obama's highly televised coverage on all the regular channel.(4)

Due to dredging up compromising details about his Republican opponent, getting elected Illinois State Senator, he publicly defended infanticide, the killing of living, breathing babies who survived late-term abortions if there was "movement or some indication that, in fact, they're not just coming out limp and dead." As an Illinois state senator, he voted to permit infanticide. To her credit, even Hillary Clinton voted for the Born Alive Protection Act, the legislation in the U.S. Senate that was similar to the Illinois legislation that Obama vehemently opposed. Obama has evidenced that he is at heart a COLD-BLOODED MASS MURDERER. People that have argued Obama is a Christian, which he indeed claims, should research what his version of Christianity truly is. Obama has said: "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." Although weasel-worded, this is a direct denial of Christ as the only way to salvation since Jesus says he is the only way: John 14:6 - "Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me."

As for leftists, the Quran says "Whoever chooses to follow the right path ...(5)

There is much doubt about Obama's Mombasa birth, since it is well known that Stanley was too gravid pregnant to fly to Hawaii, went to Mombasa to a Muslim celebration,had Obama in Mombasa as witnessed by Mother-in-Law and half-brother but they could be liars. The two "birth documents" are a joke to anyone who has seen them for close inspection. Ukelele signed! Draft card was stamped with cut in half 2008 and reads,"08" when post office and draft board always used entire date NOT "80".

There are those who see Obama's raising America’s debt limit a sign of leadership failure and pursuing reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.

Obama voted against increasing the ceiling and raising the debt limit in 2006, when he said:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

The U.S. Senate voted to increase the limit by $850 billion and $800 billion respectively in 2007 and in 2008, when Obama did not bother to vote. (6)

Nowadays as President Obama, Obama fundamentally rejects the American ideals of economic liberty and equality of opportunity. He is hide-bound obstinately determined to use the force of government to redistribute and equalize incomes and "spread the wealth". Thus on a socialist path, neither the U.S. Constitution nor the catastrophic debt in the trillions will sidetrack him from bringing down the nation with benevolence over economic reality.

Golfing, vacationing and having Wednesday parties weekly, he is not the least bit worried about the debt itself, only the hassle he's getting from Republicans who are getting in the way of his spending and tax hikes. When most Americans are concerned to the point of being worried sick over our nation's finances, Obama is "bully pulpit" lecturing us about people who "keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional income that (they) don't need," as if the president should be the grand arbiter of income distribution. The Heritage Foundation research reveals that Obama is "creating a new 'poverty' measure that deliberately severs all connection between 'poverty' and actual deprivation." His "goal is to measure income 'inequality,' not poverty providing him public relations "reasoning and rationale" for his 'spread-the-wealth' agenda." (7)

Obama himself has stated in 2009 that, "The last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession, because that would just suck up, take more demand out of the economy." (8)On the other hand, playing games with cost of living inflation by leaving gas and food out of the equation and getting "creative" with unemployment figures does not give a true measure of the recession and falsely gives both inflation and unemployment lower figures. This enables Obama to claim that the recession is over when inflation is draining paychecks and unemployment is in double digits.

Actual, factual news reports explain the sharp rise in consumer prices in February,2012 were caused by higher energy and food prices, implying that higher prices cause inflation. Of course, higher prices do not cause inflation since higher prices ARE inflation.(9)

Obama state that "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military. (10)This statement by itself is enough to send shivers up an informed spine and cause gun and ammo sales to rise exponentially.

Be it so noted that comments from then Democrat Sen. Barack Obama that the United States needs a “civilian national security force” that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar United States Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force have mysteriously disappeared much like the Harrison J. Bounel alias from all published transcripts of the speech.

There in the comments, Obama re-affirmed that the U.S. “cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set.”

Regime officials have declined to return any of a series of WND telephone calls over several days requesting a clarifying comment on the situation. Nor have regime officials posted a transcript of the speech on their website called "fund future education". Obviously, the real mission of the "civilian national security force” is to radicalize American youth and use them as puppet thugs to bring about 'social change' through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation. Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia told the Associated Press that he considers Obama a dangerous Marxist who will act on his promise to organize a domestic national security force on par with the U.S. military. "That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Rep. Paul Broun stated. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist." As bad as this sounds, the stark, naked reality will be far worse when he does not think he has to uphold the Constitution and faces no more elections. This is what he was referring to when he made the open mic comment to the Russian. (11)

With all the facts that wise up Americans, we pray that apathy to vote and antipathy against the GOP does not deter people from voting out the rascals.

Dr. Michael (Weiner) Savage had a caller who stated,“liberals are way more motivated to change the country than conservatives.”

“They want to drag the country into a Marxist state,” Savage stated. “Whether it’s Marxism light or Marxism heavy, we don’t know yet. But they are doing a very good job of destroying the way of life, and the conservatives are a big bunch of losers.”(12)

'Cmon Savage, how about a bit of stoical good grace? The guy nominated is not McCain...the worst is BEATABLE...We can pray, get together and WIN!

Your book is a best-seller. Your “Trickle Down Tyranny: Crushing Obama’s Dream Of The Socialist States Of America” spells out why America should not re-elect Barack Obama as president, warning: “An Obama victory in 2012 would doom this country.”(12)

“It’s a do or die situation,” Savage told WND in an interview. “You can see the trajectory of Obama’s regime thus far.

“Imagine your worst fears, and you’re going to have some or all of it if this man is re-elected.”

Man, do we all wish you were WRONG in feeling disheartened. We have seen some nitwittery declaring,"well, I'm just gonna take my catcher's glove home plate, the ball and stick, and go home. I'm not gonna play ball. I never liked any Republican candidates hoo, foo manchu, gonna vote Obama by staying home...being a moron...with a room temperature IQ----LOSER!!!!"

This is the fleck that didn't vote last time not voting this time either. The AZ mega-fleck RINO moderate trashed his base every chance he got but this guy vs Obama can do no WRONG and has a PASS since Herman Cain gave it up for "this guy's sins".
It will be DIFFERENT...Barry Goldwater could win this time!

Granted we are halfway to hell like Argentina was with socialism eroding freedom BUT we are going to win with the Republican candidate since he will be the one we need if we have to drag him kicking and screaming to uphold the Constitution and defund Obamacare, the biggest nightmare...until Obama tops it...








(9) Charles Kadlec's "Rising Price of a Falling Dollar".




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